Vitamin C IV Therapy for Cancer

Take a look at this article from the national cancer institute in the US:

Or the Canadian Medical Journal Association article on intravenous vitamin C for cancer therapy here:

There’s a lot of articles that you can find with a simple Google search on IV vitamin C and it’s role it can play for helping people fight cancer.  Let’s take a dive into what you’ll find here:

“Maybe Linus Pauling was on to something after all. Decades ago the Nobel Prize–winning chemist was relegated to the fringes of medicine after championing the idea that vitamin C could combat a host of illnesses, including cancer. Now, a study published online today in Science reports that vitamin C can kill tumor cells that carry a common cancer-causing mutation and—in mice—can curb the growth of tumors with the mutation.” –

“Vitamin C as a cancer therapy has had a controversial past. What has been intriguing are small clinical trials that suggest some responses, but with no clear rationale for why cancers should respond to vitamin C or a path forward for explaining which patients are most likely to respond.  Now a growing number of preclinical studies are showing how high-dose vitamin C might benefit cancer patients. Importantly, these preclinical studies provide a clear rationale and potential biomarkers that may help personalize the therapeutic approach and identify patient populations that are likely to respond to high-dose vitamin C therapy. Since the mechanisms of action of vitamin C are becoming better defined, we can propose vitamin C combinations in a more rational, hypothesis-driven manner. In addition, given the current high financial cost of new cancer drugs, it seems rational to improve the effectiveness of current therapies by studying their clinical interactions with vitamin C. In our view, the implementation of this treatment paradigm could provide benefit to many cancer patients.” – National Cancer Institute 

“Have any studies of IV vitamin C been done in people with cancer?

Several studies of IV vitamin C given alone or in combination with other drugs in people with cancer include the following:

Studies of IV vitamin C alone

“The Use of IV Vitamin C in Cancer

The use of high-dose IV vitamin C is a controversial topic. 60 years ago, William McCormick noticed that cancer patients exhibited extremely low levels of vitamin C and their symptoms resembled scurvy, which lead to him hypothesizing that a high dose of vitamin C could assist in protecting cancer patients from further spread. In 1972, Ewan Cameron, a Scottish surgeon hypothesised that high dose IV Vitamin C could suppress cancer spread by inhibiting hyaluronidase, which makes the extracellular matrix weaker and therefore allows cancer cells to metastasize. He started treating terminal cancer patients with clinical trials using IV vitamin C. The testing showed that some patients benefited from vitamin C. He subsequently partnered with Linus Pauling to undertake further research. Overall, the results of this further research showed that vitamin C improved the quality of life and increased mean survival time four fold. The studies were not large and have their own issues which scientists must scrutinise when considering their applicability.

Over the past decade, there have been an increased amount of clinical trials regarding the safety and efficacy of Vitamin C as a monotherapy or in combinational therapy. Many of these studies show a much better quality of life for cancer patients by minimizing pain and protecting normal tissues from toxicity caused by chemotherapy. Vitamin C showed synergistic changes and effects when administered in combination with radiation and standard chemotherapies. These were also not conducted in a large scale manner, or in a “double blind randomised controlled manner”so the medical community to date is forced to remain neutral regarding vitamin C therapy in cancer patients until such higher level studies have been performed.

Why give it intravenously?

When given orally, vitamin C concentration in human plasma is controlled by multiple mechanisms acting together which are intestinal absorption, tissue accumulation, renal reabsorption and excretion, and potentially even the rate of utilization. When ascorbate is administered through an IV or intraperitoneally, the tight controls are bypassed, and large pharmacologic millimolar plasma concentrations of vitamin C can easily be achieved.

What dose should we use?

Many clients referred to us desire doses of 25-75g up to three times a per week though we cannot advise you on what dose you should be using or how often, please discuss this with your own medical team or decide based upon your own research.”

The Healing Oasis provides high dose vitamin C IV therapy.  Contact us to learn more.

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